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The sea mirrors the rising moon bright.Miles apart, our hearts share tonight.

Release Date:2021/09/18

        What will Jinglan's staff and friends be happy about? You can reunite with your family, eat delicious moon cakes and enjoy the moon ..... What else? And, the distribution of benefits!

        Autumn has arrived, a wisp of laurel fragrance. Drunken fragrance, the moon on the mid-autumn. The direction that the moonlight points, that is the direction of home.


        Gathering our hearts and minds for our staff! We wish you all: joyful and carefree, happy and joyful at all times, lively and cheerful at all times, and prosperous day by day. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

Previous:Happy first anniversary to our grateful peers

Next:Jin Guangyao of Jinglan Advanced Material Co., Ltd. has been selected as a leading entrepreneurial talent in Wuxi City's "Taihu Talent Plan" for 2021.